Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve

In the midst of God’s wonder-filled creation, God made Adam from the dust of the ground. He placed Adam in the garden named Eden, where he was free to eat and enjoy life under God’s presence. God even made a suitable helper for him, and she was called woman. However, there was also a choice given to the man and woman. A choice to obey God, trust Him, or eat from the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.

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Read Genesis 2:5-6
This is the story of the very first humans. As you listen today, pay close attention to how God creates man – how he stands apart from the rest of creation. Notice the great care God takes not only in forming man but in providing for him in every imaginable way, including a suitable companion… one that knocks his socks off. This isn’t just the dawn of humanity, but the dawn of marriage. Listen for what this passage teaches about the design of marriage and the Designer of marriage. Finally, you’ll encounter a choice in today’s story. A choice that God gives because He is not interested in forced worship, compulsory obedience, or artificial love. This story reveals God’s heart for you. His care for you. It’s a story about His desire for you to be fulfilled by Him and in Him, and for you to choose a relationship of trust with Him.
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