Elijah and the Drought

Elijah and the Drought

As a drought was entering the land, Elijah looked around with sorrow. He received word from God that this would be a lasting famine and was sent to King Ahab to share the message with him. After this Elijah followed God to a brook where he was miraculously provided for until the brook dried up. But God would not abandon His servant Elijah and He sent him to Zarephath to be provided for by a widow. Little did this widow know that she herself would experience God’s miraculous provision in her obedience with what little she had.

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1 Kings 17:7
In our last episode, we heard about king Asa, who unlike his father and grandfather was a man who sought God’s favor and acted righteously toward the Lord. He removed idols and tried to banish cult worship of false gods from Judah. Asa was a good king and through his leadership the people’s hearts turned back to God. To the north of Judah, however, the people’s hearts were still far from God. And as we’ll learn today, God was about to do great things through a man named Elijah. A prophet who would contend on God’s behalf with the rampant worship of Baal in Israel. Elijah will face trials and loneliness, and will clearly see God’s hand of provision sustaining him through it all.
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