God Gives His People Jericho

God Gives His People Jericho

As Joshua studies the walls of Jericho, a commander of Heaven’s Armies meets him and gives him God’s plan for how the people are to conquer Jericho. The next day, Joshua has the army march around the walls of Jericho with the priests in front blowing their trumpet. This happened, with no visible result, for 6 days. But on the 7th day, God caused the walls of Jericho to fall down and the people conquered the city sparing only Rahab and her family.

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Joshua 6:20
In yesterday’s episode, God led His people across the Jordan river. As the Levite priests carried the Ark of the Covenant into the mighty river, the river split in two when their feet touched the water, and the people walked across on dry ground into the Promised Land. They set up a monument to God’s faithfulness on the other side and worshipped God for what He’d done. Today we’ll hear how God shows His might again; once more, it’s not as anyone would have expected. Joshua, the commander, will meet someone who will show him there’s no limit to how God can hand him a victory at Jericho.
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