John the Baptist

John the Baptist

Out of anger, Herod imprisoned John the Baptist, and though he feared John, he would not kill him. His wife, however, manipulated Herod to make him promise to kill John. And though he regretted this offer, his social standing meant more to him than doing the right thing. Afterward, Jesus' fame began to rise more and more and Herod once again became worried.

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Mark 6:15
In yesterday’s episode, we heard how Jesus healed a man who was crippled, and helpless. Years of being overlooked by society and left alone to fend for himself had left the man stuck and bitter, plagued with a sense of scarcity and hopelessness. But Jesus changed it all with His words of healing and comfort. Still, the Pharisees hated Jesus for challenging their tight-fisted rule over the people’s hearts. Today we’ll discover how John the Baptist’s earthly story ends. This man who heralded the coming Messiah will die at the hands of an evil and hateful king and his wife.
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