King Hezekiah

King Hezekiah

King Hezekiah bore the burden of having Ahaz as his father, but he was nothing like him. Hezekiah held fast to God and encouraged the people to do the same. He led the people in restoring the temple of God. He restored the priests to the temple. And he led the people in true repentance and trust in God.

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2 Chronicles 20
In yesterday’s episode, we heard about the fall of Israel under the cowardly reign of King Hoshea. Generations of idolatry and rejection of God’s ways culminated in the capture, enslavement, and exile of the Israelites, who were dispersed throughout Assyria. Today we’ll return to Judah to find a shining example of a king who followed the Lord and did His will. King Hezekiah was the complete opposite of his wicked father Ahaz, and his righteousness exceeded even King David’s. It’s a beautiful example of a life lived well in true heartfelt worship and service to our Lord.
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