Paul Beaten in Jerusalem

Paul Beaten in Jerusalem

As Paul and Luke entered Jerusalem during Passover, they made their way to the home of James the brother of Jesus. There James advised Paul to attend a purification ceremony to appease the Jews. On the last day, however, some Jews from Asia came and incited a mob against him. The mob was so fierce that it required the Roman officials to break it up and bring Paul on their shoulders to the judge. Once there Paul asked the judge if he could address the crowd. But this only served to rile up the mob even more.

Acts 22:25
In our last episode, we heard how Paul brought a young man back to life after the youth fell from a third-story window. God continued to work through him in both his words and the signs he performed by the power of the Holy Spirit. We also heard Paul’s farewell to the church at Ephesus, which he so dearly loved, as he prepared to head to Jerusalem again. Today we’ll find Paul in Jerusalem, together with the church there, led by Jesus’ own brother James, who gives wise counsel to Paul. Despite his best efforts to make peace though, Jews from Asia will stir up hatred toward him, nearly killing Paul.
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