The Beasts and the Hero

The Beasts and the Hero

After the vision of the glorious throne room, John was given another vision. This time the vision was about the history and future of the earth. John saw a Dragon who battled with the armies of God and tried desperately to consume the child of Israel who was destined to rule the nations. But God rescued the woman and her child and the armies of heaven cast out the dragon banishing him to the earth. Even here the Dragon continued to pursue the woman and make trouble for the children of God. Other beasts were called up as well to deceive the people into following them. But Just as things looked their worst, salvation from God came as Jesus descended from the skies on a white horse.

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Revelation 14:1
In our previous episode, we heard how John was caught up in a vision and saw Jesus standing before him. He was terrified, but Jesus told him not to fear, but to write down what he would see and hear and share it with seven churches. Then John was taken to Heaven to see the throne room of God. There every creature and angel cried out praise to God and called Jesus worthy of honor and praise. Today we’ll hear as John is shown evils from his past, his present, and our future. Though the evils may seem to thrive for a time, God is the ultimate victor. John will see a final battle in which Jesus stands for a final battle to vanquish the enemy.
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