The Life of a True Servant

The Life of a True Servant

Moses was now 120 years old and his time had almost come. But before he departs to be with the Lord, he commissions Joshua to be the new leader of the people,speaking a blessing upon them. Then Moses ascended Mount Nebo where God gave him sight great enough to see all of the land of Canaan, which He had promised to His people. After this, Moses breathed his last and was joined to the Lord.

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Deuteronomy 31:6
In yesterday’s episode we heard the story of Balaam, who after his encounter with God had a changed heart and no longer sought to curse Israel for his own personal gain, but rather blessed the nation God had chosen. We ended with a prophecy from Balaam of One who would come from Israel and shine bright as a star and bless the whole world. Today we move ahead many years, to the final days of Moses, the great leader God had used for so many years to guide His people out of Egypt, through the wilderness. We’ll also learn of the leader who was to come after him, a young man we’ve met before, who desired to follow God and be in His presence.
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