The Throne Room of God

The Throne Room of God

The Apostle John, now exiled to the island of Patmos, was startled as he heard a powerful voice behind him. The voice told him to write down what he was about to see. He turned around to see who was speaking to him and saw that it was the risen Jesus. His appearance was full of majesty as He gave John a message for each of the seven churches. But the vision did not end there, John was then called up into the throne room of God where he saw it filled with the beauty and majesty only God can bring. Beautiful colors, many thrones, and massive living creatures which all shouted the praises of God Most High and the Lamb that was slain now lives!

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Revelation 4:2
In our previous episode, we heard the conclusion of Acts, as Paul arrived in Rome and was able to openly share the Gospel there for two years. Though his life eventually ended at the hands of an evil emperor, his work and witness continue bearing fruit even to this day. Today we’ll begin to see through the eyes of the Apostle John who was given a vision of the future and a chance to peek into the great throne room of God.
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