Walking on Water

Walking on Water

As Jesus resumed his teaching around the shores of Galilee, the crowd around Him grew to swell in numbers. After teaching them all day, He had them sit for a meal. Though there were only two small fish and five round loaves of bread, Jesus showed the crowd that He has the power to provide for their needs. He multiplied the food to feed over five-thousand people! After this, the crowd became frenzied and Jesus sent His disciples ahead of Him on the sea while He escaped to pray. As the disciples were on the sea late at night, Jesus appeared walking on the water next to them. And though they were frightened they got a first-hand glimpse at what faith in Jesus can do.

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Matthew 14:29
In our previous episode, we heard how King Herod’s wife Herodias conspired to have John the Baptist beheaded simply for her enjoyment and to silence the man who had preached repentance and announced the coming of the Messiah. As his ministry came to an end, the earthly ministry of Jesus continued to grow with more people following Him to hear Him teach and watch Him heal. Today we’ll learn how Jesus miraculously feeds a crowd of people using what little is available to provide abundantly more than anyone could have imagined. Then we’ll hear how Jesus amazed His disciples by displaying a miraculous control over the very laws of the natural world.
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