Bible in a Year Devotional Collection

Fisher of Men

After a long night of no catches, Peter and his brother Andrew were getting ready to go ashore.

Sermon on the Mount

As the crowds gathered around Jesus He began to teach them.

A Hole in the Roof

As two men get ready to bring their paralyzed friend to Jesus, they see that the house is too full to enter.

The Twelve

As another Sabbath approached, Jesus went into the synagogue to worship.

The Roman Soldier

As a Roman centurion sat beside his sick servant, he called his officials and sent them to find Jesus.

Broken and Forgiven

Jesus was sitting among the Pharisees at a feast when a woman of questionable repute came in.

The Four Soils

As Jesus was teaching crowds on the shores of Galilee, He began to tell a parable about a farmer sowing seeds.

Stories of the Kingdom

As Jesus continued to teach the crowds using parables, he began to teach them what God’s Kingdom was like.

The Storm Within

Jesus, weary from a day of teaching and ministering, went aboard Peter’s boat to sleep.

The Little Girl and Bleeding Woman

As Jesus was walking around Judea teaching the people, a man named Jairus came to Him.

Healing at the Pool

There was a pool in Jerusalem called Bethesda, where men and women went to be healed by the waters.

John the Baptist

Out of anger, Herod imprisoned John the Baptist, and though he feared John, he would not kill him.

Walking on Water

As Jesus resumed his teaching around the shores of Galilee, the crowd around Him grew to swell in numbers.

The Bread of Life

The very next day as He and His disciples were on the other side of the sea, the crowd had tracked Him down.

He Without Sin Cast the First Stone

The Pharisees once again trying to trap Jesus in His words bring Him a woman caught in the act of adultery.

Blind at Birth

As Jesus and His disciples were passing through the streets of Capernaum, they passed by a man who had been blind since birth.

A Beautiful Transfiguration

When Jesus and His disciples were alone, He began teaching them about His identity.

The Tax and The Great Warning

It was tax season in Capernaum and Peter had no money to spare.

The Rich Glutton and Poor Lazarus

Another time as Jesus was teaching His disciples He told them the story of an ignorant rich man and a pitiable beggar.

The Merciful Master

As Jesus and His disciples were walking, Peter asked Him a question about forgiveness.

The Good Samaritan

On another day of walking and teaching a lawyer came up to Jesus asking about eternal life.

The Prodigal Son

As Jesus was reclining enjoying a meal with His friends, the Pharisees mocked Him for eating with known sinners.

Lepers, Judges, and Pride

As Jesus was nearing Galilee again, a group of lepers cried out to him for mercy.


Lazarus, one of Jesus’ close friends and the brother of Mary and Martha, was dying.

Zacchaeus and Bartimeaus

The crowds were thick as Jesus was passing through Jericho.

The Triumphal Entry

Mary came up to Jesus and poured a full bottle of spikenard on His head and feet.

Den of Thieves

As Jesus and His disciples walked into the temple gates, He saw a marketplace set up where the nations were meant to worship.

The Passover

The influence Jesus now held over the people was too much for the religious leaders to bear.

The Word Will Be Fulfilled

Jesus led His disciples to a garden named Gethsemane. While there he began to pray in agony over what was about to happen.

True Prophecy

After having Him beaten, Jesus was taken before Annas to be interrogated.